Preempt Colds and Flu with Ed's Copper Wellness Rods

watch to learn how it works and when to use it

Do You Suffer from Seasonal Allergies ?

watch to learn how rozlyn uses the copper wellness rod to relieve allergy symptoms

A Copper Wellness Rods Twin Pak sells for
$13.95 and includes shipping inside the USA

Here's what people are saying...

Rozlyn Reynolds
As someone who has suffered
from lifelong allergies, this
small copper rod has made
such a positive change for me!
Steve H.
The Copper wellness rod is
one of the best, all-natural
treatments to come along in
our lifetime.
Steve H.
Ed Movius
I haven’t gotten sick since
March of 2018, when I first
started using what we now
call a copper wellness rod.
Ed Movius
Copyright © Ed’s Copper Wellness Rods – All Rights Reserved, Without Prejudice